[Announcement] На ресурсі http://lists.qq.org.ua/mailman/listinfo/loan-operators відкрито mail-list "Loan-Operators"

Доброго дня ще раз. Завдяки люб"язній згоді Діми Черкасова нарешті сабдж. Жодних обмежень (за винятком здорового глузду та правил хорошого тону) на поточну підписку та доступу до майбутніх архівів мейлліста нема. Анонс: [Loan-Operators] mail-list meant for discussions about several aspects related with current challenges of development of telecommunication service providers. Main accent of discussions aims to practical constituent of activity of service providers. Especially to: - telco-market challenges; - BSS/OSS implementation and maintenance, - discussions about informational and data models and TMN, Q3 etc recommendations, - discussions about business processes that are typical for service providers and/or telco-operators, - discussions about revenue and costs optimization, - examination with world's best practices, - examination of recommendations and standards proposed by: - TeleManagement Forum (http://www.tmforum.org), - Telco 2.0 Initiative (http://www.telco2.net/blog), - OSS/J Initiative (http://www.ossj.org), - Prosspero Initiative (http://www.prosspero.org), - DMTF alliance (http://www.dmtf.org), - IPDR alliance (http://www.ipdr.org) - and much more... Так що welcome, please. Regards, Oleh Hrynchuk
participants (1)
Hrynchuk Oleh