Подскажите бсд'шнику, где Debian master ftp -- AY7-UANIC || AY15-RIPE =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message

On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 11:13:00PM +0200, Alexander Yeremenko wrote:
Подскажите бсд'шнику, где Debian master ftp
ftp://ftp-master.debian.org ?
-- AY7-UANIC || AY15-RIPE ===================================================================
-- Andrey Elperin =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message

Hi! On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 23:13 +0200, Alexander Yeremenko wrote:
Подскажите бсд'шнику, где Debian master ftp
Вероятно ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/ -- Victor Cheburkin VCW61, VC319-RIPE, VC1-UANIC =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message
participants (3)
Alexander Yeremenko
Andrey Elperin
Victor Cheburkin