Превед! Угу, з Новим Роком всіх! :)))
-----Original Message----- From: owner-uanog-outgoing@uanog.kiev.ua [mailto:owner-uanog-outgoing@uanog.kiev.ua] On Behalf Of Alex Radetsky Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 12:51 PM To: uanog@uanog.kiev.ua Subject: [uanog] IT managment docs :)
Всем привет!
Коллеги, подскажите плиз, книги по управлению ИТ-компаниями.
Для початку магічні слова: COBIT, ITIL Ну а далі сам побачиш. Непоганою допомогою також можуть бути спеціалізовані електронні журнали. Наприклад, http://www.osp.ru/cio/, http://www.it-management.ru/ та ін.
Для начала интересует любая литература по управлению разработкой программного обеспечения, рекомендуемые стандарты оформления документов, ТЗ, тощо.
Кгхм.. Дохрена такого існує. ІЕЕЕ, MIL (DoD), NASA etc. Наприклад: магічні слова та документи (а там по лінкам далі...): - IEEE Std 830-1998 (Revision of IEEE Std 830-1993) - IEEE Std 1016-1998 (Revision of IEEE Std 1016-1987) - IEEE Std 1058-1998 - IEEE Std 1233, 1998 Edition (Includes IEEE Std 1233-1996 and IEEE Std 1233a-1996) - NASA SEL-81-305 "Recommended Approach to Software Development, Revision 3" - MIL-STD-498 “Software Development and Documentation” (багато кому дуже подобається) Title in MIL-STD-498: System/Subsystem Specification System/Subsystem Design Description Software Design Description Interface Design Description Computer Operator Manual Computer Programming Manual Software User Manual Software Transition Plan Software Version Description Ось, для прикладу, зміст документа "MIL STD 498. Application and Reference GUIDEBOOK". CONTENTS Paragraph Page FOREWORD x EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW xi PARTICIPANTS xiv 1. SCOPE 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Application of the guidebook 1 1.2.1 Intended audience 1 1.2.2 Use on contracts 1 1.3 Organization of the guidebook 1 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 3 2.1 Government documents 3 2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks 3 2.1.2 Other government documents, drawings, and publications 3 2.2 Non-government publications 4 3. DEFINITIONS 5 4. APPLICATION GUIDE 11 4.1 Approval of MIL STD 498 11 4.2 Supersession of previous standards 11 4.3 Use of MIL STD 498 11 4.4 Use of MIL STD 498's Data Item Descriptions 12 4.5 Use of MIL STD 498 to develop software in "builds" 12 4.6 Use of MIL STD 498 with DoD's program strategies 12 4.7 Use of MIL STD 498 within system acquisition phases 14 4.8 Application of MIL STD 498 to development of systems 16 4.9 Application of MIL STD 498 to development of parts of systems 16 4.10 Application of MIL STD 498 to development of different types of software 18 4.10.1 Application to non-deliverable and deliverable software 18 4.10.2 Application to unprecedented and precedented software 18 4.10.3 Application to reusable software 18 4.10.4 Application to software in the software engineering and test environments 19 4.10.5 Application to operational, training, operating system, simulation, and other software 20 4.11 Ways of applying MIL STD 498 20 4.12 Players and agreements assumed by MIL STD 498 21 4.13 Acquirer's role in MIL STD 498 22 4.14 Relationship to DoD acquisition policy and instructions 22 4.15 Relationship to other standards 23 5. REFERENCE GUIDE 25 5.1 Acceptance by the acquirer 35 5.2 Access for acquirer review 40 5.3 Approval by the acquirer 43 5.4 Architectural design 47 5.5 Behavioral design 53 5.6 Builds 57 5.7 CASE tools 63 5.8 Commercial-off-the-shelf software products 67 5.9 Computer hardware resource utilization 70 5.10 Contract 75 5.11 Contract data requirements list 84 5.12 Corrective action 88 5.13 Cost estimation. 92 5.14 Critical requirements 97 5.15 Data accession list 100 5.16 Database design 102 5.17 Databases 107 5.18 Data rights 111 5.19 Data standardization 116 5.20 Detailed design 118 5.21 Documentation (Preparing documents) 123 5.22 Documentation (Recording information) 128 5.23 Executable software. 131 5.24 Independent verification and validation 136 5.25 In-house development 138 5.26 Installation (Support environment) 140 5.27 Installation (User site(s)) 144 5.28 Integrated product team 148 5.29 Interfaces 151 5.30 Joint technical and management reviews 156 5.31 Licenses (Software) 161 5.32 Operational concept 163 5.33 Oversight 166 5.34 Problem category and priority classifications 170 5.35 Problem/change report 174 5.36 Process improvement 178 5.37 Programming languages 181 5.38 Qualification testing 184 5.39 Rationale/key decisions 192 5.40 Reengineering 195 5.41 Requirements 199 5.42 Requirements of the standard 206 5.43 Reusable software products 208 5.44 Risk management 213 5.45 Safety 218 5.46 Schedules 224 5.47 Security and privacy 228 5.48 Software configuration management 233 5.49 Software development environment 238 5.50 Software development files 242 5.51 Software development library 246 5.52 Software development methods 248 5.53 Software development planning 252 5.54 Software development process 256 5.55 Software engineering environment 261 5.56 Software implementation and unit testing 264 5.57 Software life cycle processes 268 5.58 Software management indicators 270 5.59 Software product evaluation 275 5.60 Software quality assurance 281 5.61 Software support 285 5.62 Software support manuals 290 5.63 Software test environment 293 5.64 Software transition 296 5.65 Software unit 300 5.66 Software user manuals 304 5.67 Source files 309 5.68 Standards for software products 313 5.69 Statement of work 316 5.70 Subcontractor management 318 5.71 System/subsystem 321 5.72 System/subsystem wide and CSCI wide design 327 5.73 Testing (Developer internal) 331 5.74 Traceability 336 5.75 Version/revision/release 340 APPENDIXES Appendix Page A LIST OF ACRONYMS 345 B SOURCES OF RELATED INFORMATION 348 C INTERNET SOURCES OF RELATED INFORMATION 360 D CONTENTS OF MIL STD 498'S DIDS 363 INDEX 390
А так же алгоритмы, схемы взаимодействия дизайнеров, разработчиков, кодеров, и прочих составляющих этого безобразия :)
Хе. Це стандартний software product (or project) management. По цим ключовим словам і шукай. Ще можна шукати по словам SD (software development) standards (and/or best practices) etc.
Хочется минимизировать количество собственных шишек на собственном же лбу :)))
благородна справа :))) Взагалі-то це є ціла об"ємна наука.
На здоров"я.
PS. С Новым таки годом!
Йес. Вже написав на початку :)))
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