catalyst 2950: #show interface fastEthernet0/23 switchport ... Trunking VLANs Enabled: 100-120,174,175 Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 ... Объясните pls, а в вем разница между Trunking и Pruning "VLANs Enabled", а то чтение доки не помогло :( -- Maxim Tuliuk WWW: http://www.primats.org.ua/~mt/ ICQ: 21134222 The bike is absolute freedom of moving =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message

Pruning ta trunking - zovsim rizni rechi. Vkliuchenyj pruning zaboronyaje switcham posylaty broadcasts ta unknown unicasts cherez tranky dlya VLAN, kotri NE peredajutsya cherez ci tranky.Tobto pruning bilsh efektyvno vykorystovuje trunk bandwidth.
catalyst 2950: #show interface fastEthernet0/23 switchport ... Trunking VLANs Enabled: 100-120,174,175 Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 ...
ïÂßÑÓÎÉÔÅ pls, Á × ×ÅÍ ÒÁÚÎÉÃÁ ÍÅÖÄÕ Trunking É Pruning "VLANs Enabled", Á ÔÏ ÞÔÅÎÉÅ ÄÏËÉ ÎÅ ÐÏÍÏÇÌÏ :( -- Maxim Tuliuk WWW: http://www.primats.org.ua/~mt/ ICQ: 21134222
The bike is absolute freedom of moving =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message
-- Regards, Oleh Hrynchuk Mobile: +380675025446 E-mail: oleh@nextra.cz =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message
participants (2)
Maxim Tuliuk
Oleh Hrynchuk