Привет, Вдруг кто не в курсе ;) http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-brocades-data-2011000... Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term. -- MYL2-RIPE

То як буде: Extreme поправиться чи Foundry погіршиться ? On 30.03.2017 9:47, Michail Litvak wrote:
Вдруг кто не в курсе ;)
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term.
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog

Extreme останется нишевым игроком, но существенно усилится в своей нише. Врядли они станут MPLS-вендором, но существенно расширят свою функциональность L2. Например, добавят поддержку vxlan и interDC interconnect (L2 over MPLS). Т.е. могут стать недорогим функциональным вендором DC-фабрики On 3/30/17 10:25 AM, Oles Girniak wrote:
То як буде: Extreme поправиться чи Foundry погіршиться ?
On 30.03.2017 9:47, Michail Litvak wrote:
Вдруг кто не в курсе ;)
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term.
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog
-- Volodymyr Litovka "Vision without Execution is Hallucination." -- Thomas Edison

$55 million.. а 9 лет назад Storage networking company Brocade Communications Systems has agreed to acquire enterprise LAN vendor Foundry Networks for approximately $3 billion
Вдруг кто не в курсе ;)
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-brocades-data-2011000... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-brocades-data-2011000...
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term.
-- MYL2-RIPE _______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog

Как-то цифра не впечатляет.
Если я правильно понял - Екстрим откупил по сути линейку свичей+ роутеров,
Производство и R&D чипов Броадком не продает :)
Брокейд больше смотрит в сторону vRouter, т.е NVF and SDN.
До этого Брокейд продал еще часть себя, за 800М.
Лично мне свичи брокейда не очень понравились (субъективно).
Igor Kremez
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Michail Litvak
Вдруг кто не в курсе ;)
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-broca des-data-201100028.html
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term.
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog

Ну да, как я понимаю, Broadcom оставил себе линейку fiberchannel а MLX/VDX
продал Extreme...
Типа как G покупал Мотороллу и остатки продал китайцам...
Мне они тоже не особо нравятся - хотя говорят они довольно дешевы по
сравнению с другими вендорами с сопоставимым функционалом.
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 11:24 AM, Igor Kremez
Как-то цифра не впечатляет. Если я правильно понял - Екстрим откупил по сути линейку свичей+ роутеров, Производство и R&D чипов Броадком не продает :)
Брокейд больше смотрит в сторону vRouter, т.е NVF and SDN.
До этого Брокейд продал еще часть себя, за 800М. http://newsroom.brocade.com/manual-releases/2017/ARRIS-to-Ac quire-Ruckus-Wireless-and-ICX-Switch-Bu#.WNyxHEf-tCU
Лично мне свичи брокейда не очень понравились (субъективно). -- Igor Kremez
On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Michail Litvak
wrote: Привет,
Вдруг кто не в курсе ;)
http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-broca des-data-201100028.html
Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term.
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog
_______________________________________________ uanog mailing list uanog@uanog.kiev.ua http://mailman.uanog.kiev.ua/mailman/listinfo/uanog
participants (5)
Igor Kremez
Michail Litvak
Oles Girniak
Valentyn Klindukh
Volodymyr Litovka