Краудфандисти просять підтримки для цікавого проекту

Доброго вечора усім. Колишній мій колега по роботі в Теленорі прислав листа наступного змісту: ------------------------ Oleh, we have decided, with a couple of friends, to help people who have a desire to build their electronics. From the beginning, we have been developing the BigClown kit, using which everyone will be able to create their electronic gadgets, such as children assemble the LEGO bricks today or you assemble the furniture from IKEA. It is "just" about the right components and tutorials - the two essential ingredients we have been putting to BigClown and heading this way from the day one. Also, from the very first moment, the opportunity to work on this project turned into a tremendous passion, we have been enjoying every single moment of it. There is no better feeling than seeing your work helps other people. BigClown supports makers when they are prototyping their smart gadgets more than year already. It also assists students to pick knowledge about the new technologies. And it helps people in the businesses, who are serious about the IoT innovations. We are proud that the project we have been working on is not just about money, but has a deeper and more meaningful purpose. It is about the journey, rather than reaching the final peak. Today we came to the point we are spreading the BigClown kit wide to the world. We are doing so via a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo. We aim is to attract as many BigClown kit users as possible, and expand to all corners of the world, which at the end of the day, will make the kit better and more affordable. We are also undeniably motivated to prove the world, that wonderful product from the Czech Republic can conquer the world! :-) Please support our kit. Help us to popularize our kit. It does not matter which approach will you take. You can get one of the offered sets - we provide them with significant discounts. Also, tell about the campaign to your colleagues, friends, families, etc. Or just wish us the best luck - we will be grateful even for that. You can check the campaign: http://bit.ly/2Dz8FW7 Thank you for your support. ------------------------ То, може хто зацікавиться... Проект, як на мене, дійсно цікавий. І хлопці - реально не якісь там шахраї. Я їх знаю виключно з доброї сторони - і як професіоналів і як людей. P.S. Соррі, якщо не в тему. -- Regards, /oleh hrynchuk

Привет ! Tuesday, January 23, 2018, 8:34:09 PM, Oleh Hrynchuk oleh.hrynchuk@gmail.com you wrote: OH> Доброго вечора усім. OH> Колишній мій колега по роботі в Теленорі прислав листа наступного змісту: OH> ------------------------ OH> Oleh, we have decided, with a couple of friends, to help people OH> who have a desire to build their electronics. From the beginning, OH> we have been developing the BigClown kit, using which everyone OH> will be able to create their electronic gadgets, such as children OH> assemble the LEGO bricks today or you assemble the furniture from OH> IKEA. It is "just" about the right components and tutorials - OH> the two essential ingredients we have been putting to BigClown and OH> heading this way from the day one. ... Тема мертворожденная, сейчас полно "DIY" решений, то-же Ардуино и всякие "одноплатные РС", куча всего для Андроида... Вся проблема в программировании! Собрать нечто из Ардуины просто, а вот запрограммировать так чтобы работало и не висло и успевало - это ИСКУССТВО+ЗНАНИЯ+ОПЫТ. OH> Проект, як на мене, дійсно цікавий. Я занимаюсь разработкой электроники последние 20 лет точно, и мне этот проект их вообще не интересен. Почему? написал выше. Ко всему реально по-жизни проще разработать свой контроллер под конкретную задачу, если нужна малая или крупная серия, чем лепить поделки "из кубиков". Сейчас все производители - Atmel, TI, STM, PIC предлагают свои "базовые платы" уже с набором всего необходимого обвеса - только соединяй и программируй. Нет смысла повторять Ардуино :) во-первых "а что у вас нового?" а во вторых у Атмела ресурсов больше и бренд раскручен давно. Можешь им так и передать :-) -- Best regards, Alexander V Soroka http://www.svr.ua/ AS106-RIPE mailto:alex@euro.net.ua
participants (2)
Alexander V Soroka
Oleh Hrynchuk