On Friday 23 April 2004 17:13, Vladimir A. Podgorny wrote:
Исходные: есть apache 2 с mpm=threadpool и mod_limitipconn. Требуется: ограничивать количество открываемых с одного IP соединений не только по MIME type, но и по IP (в идеале по блокам адресов).
Костыли к модулю писать не особо хочется, цель - разрешить открывать большее количество соединений некоторым хостам (e.g. proxy etc).
Any suggestions?
цитата из README на mod_limitipconn: Proxy client tracking By default, all clients behind a proxy are treated as coming from the proxy server's IP address. If you patch Apache with the included patch and configure with --with-forward and rebuild, the real IP addresses of clients behind proxies are correctly detected. You will need to either compile statically or compile with -DRECORD_FORWARD. If you don't patch the server, DO NOT compile with RECORD_FORWARD defined. The module will still function, but it will not recognize clients behind proxies. -- _____________________________ Regards, Dmitry Alyabyev System Administrator Golden Telecom LLC Tel: +380 44 4900000 Email: dimitry@svitonline.com _____________________________ =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message