Вот так примерно: In all items, the abstentions were recorded but did not affect the vote count. A resolution needed a majority of Yes votes or No votes to be either approved or rejected. In the election, there were two seats to be filled. A candidate needed more than 50% to be elected to the board. If no candidate received more than 50%, the candidate with the fewest first preference votes was eliminated from the count and their next preference votes transferred to the other candidates. This process was repeated until one of the candidates had more than 50% of the votes. The same system applied for all three seats, with the candidate who won the first seat excluded for the second and third seats, and the candidate who won the second seat excluded for the third seat. Бюллетени протоколируются и доступны для проверки. -- Sergey
On 11 May 2018, at 14:29, Stesin
wrote: 2018-05-11 14:20 GMT+03:00 Dmitry Kohmanyuk
: Там кажется run off voting - то есть присваиваются веса кандидатам и далее выбирается «самый приемлемый.»
То есть считается вначале ранжирование по позитивному рейтингу, а потом учитывается негативный рейтинг? (чисто догадка вслепую)
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