Hi! а че делать AS5300: show context System was restarted by shared memory parity error at PC 0x604033FC at 21:50:00 UTC Wed Feb 8 2006 5300 Software (C5300-JK9S-M), Version 12.3(16a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Compiled Wed 09-Nov-05 21:24 by evmiller Image text-base: 0x60008AEC, data-base: 0x61A84000 Stack trace from system failure: FP: 0x628CFAB0, RA: 0x604033FC FP: 0x628CFAB0, RA: 0x604034F8 Fault History Buffer: 5300 Software (C5300-JK9S-M), Version 12.3(16a), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Compiled Wed 09-Nov-05 21:24 by evmiller Signal = 0, Code = 0x0, Uptime 00:00:07 $0 : 00000000, AT : 62690000, v0 : 00000000, v1 : 00000001 a0 : 3C300000, a1 : 6040333C, a2 : 0000002F, a3 : 000F4240 t0 : 00008700, t1 : 34008701, t2 : 603FA908, t3 : FFFF00FF t4 : 0000003F, t5 : 3E800104, t6 : 00000400, t7 : 62A69350 s0 : 62490000, s1 : 3C300000, s2 : 603C6C80, s3 : 603C6C80 s4 : 00000018, s5 : 627A0000, s6 : 00000000, s7 : 00000000 t8 : 62A69428, t9 : 00000000, k0 : 30408401, k1 : 30410000 gp : 6269EE00, sp : 628CFAB0, s8 : 627A0000, ra : 604034F8 EPC : 604033FC, SREG : 34008703, Cause : 0000001C Error EPC : BFC00000, BadVaddr : 00000000 так понимаю, что менять память ? -- andy@cris.net AN1035-RIPE =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message