Привет ! LPWAN just got standardized MIOTY® technology is the new LPWAN standard for massive IoT deployment TI is proud to be a founding member of the newly established MIOTY Alliance, responsible for thedevelopment of the new standard protocol on the Sub-1 GHz spectrum for low-power wide-area networks(LPWAN). With its unique and patented telegram splitting technology, MIOTY technology: • Aggregates millions of messages a day with a single base station • Achieves unmatched interference immunity • Transmits data up to velocities of 120 km/h with ultra-low power consumption Get started evaluating today with the TI MIOTY starter kit: • MIOTY protocol software http://www.ti.com/tool/MIOTY?eloquaCampaignId=2809&utm_campaign=epd-con-null-mioty-adh-ta-emea-wwe&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua • SimpleLinkCC1352R LaunchPad SensorTag kits • SimpleLinkCC1352R1 LaunchPad dev kit подробнее: https://e2e.ti.com/blogs_/b/process/archive/2020/02/20/top-5-things-to-know-about-mioty-the-new-low-power-wide-area-network-lpwan-standard?eloquaCampaignId=2809&utm_campaign=epd-con-null-mioty-adh-ta-emea-wwe&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua -- Best regards, Alexander V Soroka http://www.svr.ua/ AS106-RIPE mailto:alex@euro.net.ua