valik@naverex.net написав(ла):
Захотел зайти на LIR Portal - а он какой-то не такой. И вообще непонятно как авторизоваться. Никто не в курсе, что я пропустил и как туда заходить?
Спрашивать у RIPE стесняюсь.
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Subj: LIR Portal Migration to RIPE NCC Access - User Account
Dear user,
To improve the usability of our services, we are deploying a new user account system called RIPE NCC Access. It will allow you to use a single set of credentials to access most of our services. In this phase, we are migrating your LIR Portal user account to RIPE NCC Access.
To complete the process, please visit this URL to set a new password:
Your username will be the email address to which we sent this message.
Your old credentials will no longer work.
We found the following accounts linked to your email address:
Those user credentials are all merged under your new username. After you log in, you can select which registry you want to work with.
After migrating, you can use your RIPE NCC Access account to log in to the LIR Portal at:
Please see the following Frequently Asked Questions for more information: http://www.ripe.net/faq/lir-administration
We will send announcements over the next couple of months to notify you as RIPE NCC Access becomes available for other services. You will be able to use the RIPE NCC Access credentials you set for the LIR Portal to access those services.
If you have any further questions, or you have problems migrating your account, please contact