Общаясь на американских форумах, эта фраза "Proudly made in the USA" - это норма и никто не поправляет. Вот Википедия:
Many manufacturers use the Made in the U.S.A. label as a selling point with varying degrees of success. This tag is associated with marketing and operational benefits. Companies that use domestic factories see positive externalities that relate directly to cost as well as those that are non-cost. When a consumer sees a product is made in the USA they may perceive this as higher quality, compared to a Chinese made counterpart.[7] The decision of where to produce is based on many factors, not simply the direct product costs. Marketing and operations are both affected greatly by producing domestically.
Странная надпись на коробке, да ? Безграмотная, шо п-ц.
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Від кого: "Vasiliy P. Melnik"