On 6/16/06, Andriy Berestovskyy wrote:
Pavel Narozhnyy ��ڧ�֧�:
���֧ݧ� - �ܧ�ѧ�ܧڧ� �ާ֧��ڧէ�, ���ڧ���ӧѧ֧� ����ѧ�֧ԧڧ�֧�ܧ�� ��֧ݧ�(��) �ܧ�ާ�ѧߧڧ�. ���ڧ��ڧ� - �ҧ�ݧ֧� ��ѧ٧ӧ֧�ߧ����� message.
���ԧ�, ���ݧ�ܧ� �ӧ�� �ߧѧ�ҧ���� :) ���ڧ��ڧ� - ����, ��ڧ��, �ԧݧѧӧߧѧ� ��֧ݧ� ����֧��ӧ�ӧѧߧڧ� �ܧ�ާ�ѧߧڧ�. �� ��֧ݧ֧� �ڧ� ���֧ߧ� �ާߧ�ԧ� �� ��ߧ� ��ѧ٧ߧ��� - ��� ����ѧ�֧ԧڧ�֧�ܧڧ� �է� ���֧�ѧ�ڧӧߧ���. ���ѧ٧�ާ֧֧���, ���� �ܧ�ѧ�ܧ�����ߧ�� ��֧ݧ�� �ܧ�ާ�ѧߧڧ� �ާ�ا֧� �ҧ���� �� ���ݧ��֧ߧڧ� N% ���ڧҧ��ݧ� �� ��ѧܧ��-��� �ܧӧѧ��ѧݧ�.
Nokia - connecting people.
�� �ҧ� ���� ��ݧ�ԧѧߧ�� �ߧѧ٧ӧѧ�... �� �ާڧ��ڧ� �� �ߧڧ�:
By connecting people, we help fulfill a fundamental human need for social connections and contact. Nokia builds bridges between people �C both when they are far apart and face-to-face �C and also bridges the gap between people and the information they need.
Coca cola - to refresh the world (mission, �ܧ��ѧ��, ���֧ߧ� �ڧߧ�֧��֧ߧ���: maximizing return to our shareholders, while being mindfull of our overall responsibilities).
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The Coca-Cola Company Mission Our Mission is: * To refresh the world - in mind, body and spirit * To inspire moments of optimism - through our brands and actions, and * To create value and make a difference - everywhere we engage
http://www2.coca-cola.com/ourcompany/manifesto_mission.html ���ڧ�ѧ� ����� �ߧڧا�, ��ѧ� �ԧէ� Vision for sustainable growth.