dvd и репозиторий для установки по ftp и/или yum у нас уже
On Wed, Mar 22, 2006 at 08:04:49PM +0200, Alexander Yeremenko wrote:
AY> iso уже едут на ftp.wnet.ua, постепено будет и остальное.
AY> ----- Forwarded message from Fedora Project -----
AY> Hi, my name is Fedora Core "Bordeaux", and today I am 5. When I
AY> turned 4 last year, they got a funny salesman to talk about me like I
AY> was a toy. I like toys. But today Teacher said I am a big kid, and I
AY> should talk about myself. I can do lots of big kid stuff now, and
AY> everyone tells me that I play really well with all the other kids in
AY> class, even the ones who are mean like bullies. I always try and
AY> share, which is what Teacher says is the best thing.
AY> Sharing is a really good thing to do. I like to share all my toys and
AY> books and stuff with all the other kids so that they can play with
AY> them and even learn things, too. I have a lot of neat stuff to share,
AY> so I made this cool list to tell you all about it. Teacher gave me
AY> some things to put in the list, but since I'm a big kid I think I
AY> should get to say what I want, too.
AY> * GNOME 2.14
AY> "Improved speed and usability, and new and better features for power
AY> management, file sharing, user help, system administration,
AY> teleconferencing, picture browsing, and networking." I think it's
AY> easy enough for even my little brother to use, but Mommy and Daddy
AY> like it a lot too.
AY> * OpenOffice 2.0.2
AY> "Enhanced productivity features, extensive compatibility with other
AY> popular office software, database connectivity functions, and improved
AY> use of system libraries for faster loading and better responsiveness
AY> overall." Mommy says she can make slide shows for work even easier
AY> than before, and Daddy uses it to organizes all our books, music, and
AY> movies in databases.
AY> * KDE 3.5.1
AY> "New and exciting features for users and developers, including stylish
AY> and attractive applets, educational and entertaining games, incredibly
AY> standards-compliant Internet tools, and enhanced multimedia and
AY> usability." Plus it looks REALLY cool, especially when my big sister
AY> fixes it just the way she likes.
AY> * Mono
AY> "Support for .NET means a new generation of dynamic and powerful
AY> cross-platform applications, with some already included, such as
AY> Tomboy for note-taking, F-Spot for photo management, and Beagle for
AY> content searching and indexing." See, I told you I'm really good at
AY> sharing! Plus, I don't ever have a problem remembering or finding
AY> things, like pictures, homework, or messages. Mommy says she's really
AY> proud of me.
AY> * Yum-based Package Tools
AY> "Installation and software management tools are all based on the
AY> flexible and powerful yum utility for easy selection and upgrade of
AY> new and existing software." And soon, I'll even be able to get my own
AY> special software at install time!
AY> * Xen Virtualization
AY> "The best framework yet for installation, management, migration, and
AY> monitoring of software-based virtual domains, allowing system owners
AY> to effectively leverage and force-multiply existing hardware for
AY> maximum efficiency, scalability, redundancy, and flexibility."
AY> Teacher says I get more work done faster than any other kid in our
AY> class, too.
AY> * Apache HTTP Server 2.2
AY> "Enhanced authentication, database support, proxy facilities, and
AY> content filtering, all built on the most stable and customizable
AY> platform for Web services."
AY> * Enhanced Security
AY> "Support for SELinux binary policy modules means that users and
AY> developers can now ship their own specialized policies with affected
AY> software. GCC's best of breed features, such as stack protection, NX,
AY> PIE, and compile-time buffer checks, pile on additional layers of
AY> assurance to effectively block illegal ingress." I know all my safety
AY> rules, and Mommy and Daddy say that it's really, REALLY hard for
AY> monsters to get in our house!
AY> So at school, I got awards for "Best Attendance," "Teacher's Pet,"
AY> "Honor Roll," and "Good Manners," plus Teacher lets me stay after to
AY> clean the erasers until Daddy comes to pick me up. He always tells me
AY> how good I am compared to the other kids he knows and that he's really
AY> proud of me. He says it's because I'm 100% free and open source, and
AY> because I always try to do the right thing just like he and Mommy
AY> taught me.
AY> I told him I didn't just learn it from him, but from all the nice
AY> people at Red Hat and the Fedora community, who teach me new things
AY> all the time. They're all different kinds of people -- users,
AY> developers, writers, translators, testers, editors, and so many other
AY> things I can't even write it all. They're the people who make it
AY> possible to build a complete Linux platform from open source software.
AY> But they say we're not done yet, and we can ALWAYS use more friends to
AY> help, so if you think this sounds neat, you should definitely visit:
AY> * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/HelpWanted
AY> All right, I have to go now. There's always more things to learn and
AY> do and I am a very, extremely busy kid. 'Bye!
AY> - - -
AY> Fedora is a set of projects sponsored by Red Hat and guided by the
AY> contributors. These projects are developed by a large community of
AY> people who strive to provide and maintain the very best in free, open
AY> source software and standards. Fedora Core, the central Fedora project,
AY> is an operating system and platform, based on Linux, that is always free
AY> for anyone to use, modify, and distribute, now and forever.
AY> Fedora Core 5 is available at absolutely no cost. To download it:
AY> * http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/bordeaux-binary-i386.torrent
AY> * http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/bordeaux-binary-x86_64.torrent
AY> * http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/bordeaux-binary-ppc.torrent
AY> For DVD and other formats, refer to http://torrent.fedoraproject.org/
AY> If you run an earlier version of Fedora Core, you can get BitTorrent
AY> from Fedora Extras. If you are using another platform, you can get
AY> BitTorrent at:
AY> * http://www.bittorrent.com/
AY> Visit the main Fedora download site listed below. You will be automatically
AY> redirected to a mirror of Fedora Core 5. There may be delays due to site
AY> congestion, especially in the days immediately following the release, so
AY> BitTorrent is recommended instead.
AY> * http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/5
AY> Visit the following site for a list of vendors of Fedora Core CD/DVD
AY> media:
AY> * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Distribution/OnlineVendors
AY> --
AY> ----- End forwarded message -----
AY> --
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Best regard, Aleksander Trotsai aka MAGE-RIPE aka MAGE-UANIC
My PGP key at ftp://blackhole.adamant.ua/pgp/trotsai.key[.asc]
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