Добрый день. Посмотрите daloRADIUS , возможно подойдет. Volodymyr Litovka wrote:
Но нет -
Dialup admin is a web administration interface for the FreeRADIUS server. This is PHP software that was cared for by the FreeRADIUS Project. The software is currently unmaintained, might not work using more recent PHP versions, and possibly has some security issues. Using this software is deprecated.
On 9/19/18 4:33 PM, Volodymyr Litovka wrote:
О, прямо в дистрибутиве Freeradius есть вот такое -
Dialup Admin has it's own web page hosted at Sourceforge at http://sourceforge.net/projects/dialup-admin/ though that page is not updated very often. The primary store for dialupadmin is the freeradius CVS tree so the latest version will always be contained there.
On 9/19/18 4:23 PM, Volodymyr Litovka wrote:
а может кто посоветовать web-морду к какому-нибудь radius'у, чтобы там можно было управлять юзерами/паролями и чтобы оно саппортилось еще как-то на предмет security?
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