On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 12:58:40PM +0200, Artem Grishin wrote:
Поставил мпд3. Теперь другая грабля.
[pptp0] LCP: state change Ack-Sent --> Opened [pptp0] LCP: phase shift ESTABLISH --> AUTHENTICATE [pptp0] LCP: auth: peer wants CHAP, I want nothing [pptp0] LCP: LayerUp [pptp0] CHAP: rec'd CHALLENGE #1 Name: "core " Using authname "core " Warning: no secret for "core " found
berd "berd" core "berd" berd "core"
А между столбцами пробелы есть? mpd допускает только символ TAB. -- Kind Regards, Alexander Shikoff AMS1-UANIC =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message