Привет, Вдруг кто не в курсе ;) http://finance.yahoo.com/news/extreme-networks-acquire-brocades-data-2011000... Extreme Networks, Inc. (EXTR http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=extr) and Broadcom Limited (AVGO http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=avgo) today jointly announced that they have entered into an agreement for Extreme to acquire Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.'s data center switching, routing, and analytics business from Broadcom following Broadcom's acquisition of Brocade. Brocade's data center networking business will be sold to Extreme for $55 million in cash, consisting of $35 million at closing and $20 million in deferred payments, as well as additional potential performance based payments to Broadcom, to be paid over a five-year term. -- MYL2-RIPE