Eugene Polovnikov wrote: EP> если это линух - то рекомендую посмотреть в сторону LVS EP> http://inuxvirtialserver.org/ EP> EP> ps вроде есть и порт под FreeBSD, но на сколько он живой - хз. Его хорошенечко так обосрали на сайте plb: There are some excellent high-performance software load balancers, but they are expensive commercial products. Other solutions include Linux-specific software (LVS), or nice userland software, but whoose performance quickly decreases because of their threaded or forking architecture (Pound, Pen, Balance). http://plb.sunsite.dk/performance.html -- UKR.NET Postmaster =================================================================== uanog mailing list. To Unsubscribe: send mail to majordomo@uanog.kiev.ua with "unsubscribe uanog" in the body of the message