Уважаемые коллеги! Возникла следующая проблема. Есть cisco 2621 with NM-NDV-1E1-30E. Есть АТС Panasonic 550 c платой PRI30. Пытаемся наладить транк между АТС и кошкой. Включили сигнализацию QSIG - оказалась единственной, при которой поднимаются транк и B-каналы на АТС. Со стороны АТС стоит сигнализация Euro-Standart. При попытке занять B-канал (подняли трубку), слышим сигнал "отказ в обслуживании". Проблема, судя по всему, в согласовании параметров D-канала между АТС и кошкой. Попробую, конечно, сменить IOS и траву, но может дело не этом? ;) Может кто сталкивался с этой проблемой? Ниже - sh ver, sh start, deb isdn q921, deb isdn q931 #sh ver Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) TAC Support: http://www.cisco.com/cgi-bin/ibld/view.pl?i=support Copyright (c) 1986-2001 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Sat 02-Jun-01 21:34 by ccai Image text-base: 0x80008088, data-base: 0x8118A888 ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(6r), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) ROM: C2600 Software (C2600-IS-M), Version 12.2(2)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) el-main uptime is 12 minutes System returned to ROM by reload at 14:27:56 EEST Thu Jun 13 2002 System image file is "flash:c2600-is-mz.122-2.T.bin" cisco 2621 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x00) with 59392K/6144K bytes of memory. Processor board ID JAD06150M60 (3121046198) M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49 Channelized E1, Version 1.0. Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. Primary Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1. 2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 32 Serial network interface(s) 1 Channelized E1/PRI port(s) 32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) Configuration register is 0x2102 #sh start Using 1971 out of 29688 bytes ! version 12.2 no parser cache no service single-slot-reload-enable service timestamps debug datetime msec localtime service timestamps log uptime service password-encryption ! hostname el-main ! logging rate-limit console 10 except errors no logging console ! voice-card 1 ! ip subnet-zero ! no ip domain-lookup ! no ip dhcp-client network-discovery isdn switch-type primary-qsig isdn voice-call-failure 0 call rsvp-sync ! controller E1 1/0 clock source internal pri-group timeslots 1-31 ! interface FastEthernet0/0 ip address duplex auto speed 100 ! interface Serial0/0 description Connection to FR no ip address encapsulation frame-relay IETF clockrate 2000000 frame-relay traffic-shaping frame-relay lmi-type ansi ! interface Serial0/0.1 point-to-point description connection to 1750 ip address frame-relay interface-dlci 16 IETF class map_vofr vofr cisco ! interface FastEthernet0/1 no ip address shutdown duplex auto speed auto ! interface Serial1/0:15 no ip address no logging event link-status isdn switch-type primary-qsig isdn protocol-emulate network isdn incoming-voice voice no isdn T309-enable no cdp enable ! ip classless ip http server ! ! map-class frame-relay map_vofr no frame-relay adaptive-shaping frame-relay cir 256000 frame-relay bc 2560 frame-relay be 0 frame-relay mincir 256000 frame-relay fair-queue frame-relay voice bandwidth 64000 frame-relay fragment 320 logging trap debugging no cdp run ! voice-port 1/0:15 ! dial-peer cor custom ! dial-peer voice 1 pots destination-pattern 3% prefix 3 ! dial-peer voice 10 vofr destination-pattern 2% session target Serial0/0 16 dtmf-relay no vad ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 login local line vty 5 15 no login ! no scheduler allocate ! end *Mar 1 00:14:10.355: ISDN Se1/0:15: RX <- RRp sapi = 0 tei = 0 nr = 6 *Mar 1 00:14:10.355: ISDN Se1/0:15: TX -> RRf sapi = 0 tei = 0 nr = 6 *Mar 1 00:14:11.223: ISDN Se1/0:15: RX <- INFOc sapi = 0 tei = 0 ns = 6 nr = 6 i = 0x0802002B0504038090A31803A9838 16C0881323331373434377D029181 *Mar 1 00:14:11.227: SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x002B *Mar 1 00:14:11.231: Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3 *Mar 1 00:14:11.231: Channel ID i = 0xA98381 *Mar 1 00:14:11.235: Calling Party Number i = 0x81, '2317447', Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown *Mar 1 00:14:11.239: High Layer Compat i = 0x9181 *Mar 1 00:14:11.243: ISDN Se1/0:15: TX -> RRc sapi = 0 tei = 0 nr = 7 *Mar 1 00:14:11.243: ISDN Se1/0:15: Incoming call id = 0x0007, dsl 0 *Mar 1 00:14:11.243: ISDN Se1/0:15: NegotiateBchan: bchan 1 intid 0 serv_st 0 chan_st 0callid 0x0000 ev 0x90 n/w? 1 *Mar 1 00:14:11.243: Negotiated int_id 0 bchan 0 cr=0x802B callid=0x0007 lo_chan 1 final int_id/bchan 0/1 cause 0x0 *Mar 1 00:14:11.247: ISDN Se1/0:15: CCPRI_ReleaseCall(): bchan 1, call id 0x7, call type VOICE *Mar 1 00:14:11.247: CCPRI_ReleaseChan released b_dsl 0 B_Chan 1 *Mar 1 00:14:11.251: ISDN Se1/0:15: TX -> INFOc sapi = 0 tei = 0 ns = 6 nr = 7 i = 0x0802802B5A080382E070 *Mar 1 00:14:11.255: isdRELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x802B *Mar 1 00:14:11.255: Cause i = 0x82E070 - Mandatory information element missing *Mar 1 00:14:11.315: ISDN Se1/0:15: RX <- RRc sapi = 0 tei = 0 nr = 7 n e -- Igor Vorontsov IV-UANIC, IV144-RIPE CCNA, SCSA, SCWSE =================================================================== uanog mailing list. 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