Привет! На прошлой неделе Network World взял интервью у Padmasree Warrior, Cisco's senior vice president of engineering and CTO http://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/071311-cisco-warrior.html Сильно удивило, что Cisco понимает, что нужно что-то менять и меняет; цитаты: 1) We had a voice group, a communications group, a team doing Quad... We've brought all that together under a single leadership 2) We brought all the ASICs together... There was a lot of duplication, there was very little sharing. It is now all consolidated under one person 3) We brought all operating systems under one person. Ben Fathi now leads all the platform independent software development for IOS, Nexus OS and XR 4) One of the big things we heard from customers is that we needed to make our products interoperate better and we're not quite there yet. We're working on a roadmap 5) Going back to the 6500, it's an installed base and they want the ability to protect that investment. Я не являюсь "фанатом" Cisco, но то что компания изучила уроки Nortel это сильно радует, и особо порадовали цитаты 4 и 5 - наконец-то проблемы признали! Осталось подождать как будут исправляться... Best wishes, Maxim