Сабджhttp://skype-open-source.blogspot.com/2011/06/skype-protocol-reverse-enginee... . Skype protocol reverse engineered, source available for download Hello, I'am Efim Bushmanov a freelance researcher and here is my project files on skype research. While "Wall Street Journal" makes politics and skype today's trend, i want to publish my research on this. My aim is to make skype open source. And find friends who can spend many hours for completely reverse it. Now, most of hard things already done(for 1.x/3.x/4.x versions of skype). Including rc4 and arithmetic compression. You have unique chance to take a look on skype internal protocol and encryption. You will see what it uses strong AES and RSA encryption with public key infrastructure. Here is yet a working "send message to skype" code. However, this is based on old skype 1.4 version protocol, which now slightly changed. Part of this code, idb files and decrypted binares was get from VEST corporation. Common info for first stage research was from EADS.net "vanilla-skype" presentation. Downloads: skype_part1_binaries.zip http://depositfiles.com/files/t5el0wnxb skype_part2_ida.zip http://depositfiles.com/files/vkmg6l99h skype_part3_source.zip http://depositfiles.com/files/fmenh4ieg P.S. Here is a torrent file: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6442887 And github: https://github.com/skypeopensource/https://github.com/skypeopensource/skypeopensource/downloads -- Regards, /oleh hrynchuk